Brookline was brought in by Enserva, the national trade organization that represents Canada’s energy services, supply, and manufacturing sectors on behalf of member companies and over 400,000 industry workers, to craft and execute a launch strategy for the organizations rebrand. Formerly known as the Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC), the organization embarked on this rebrand effort to better align with the industry they represent.
The organization brought the Brookline team onboard to create a rebrand launch strategy to support this monumental announcement to ensure that the Enserva brand was representative of the changing energy sector and landscape in Canada and around the world. Drawing on Brookline’s vast experience in the energy space and portfolio of brand work, the team was happy to work alongside Enserva in crafting a tailored media and social strategy for the unveiling and announcement of the new brand.

Brookline not only developed the launch strategy but was also brought in to execute the launch of the brand, including supporting with media relations and logistics for the announcement and managing a very successful press conference where Enserva’s new brand was unveiled publicly for the first time. Overall, Brookline’s efforts resulted in significant media attention surrounding Enserva’s rebrand launch, securing top tier media coverage at the announcement from local and national online, traditional, trade and broadcast outlets.
The Brookline team was proud to support this project and looks forward to working with Enserva again in the future as they continue to champion and empower the Canadian energy sector and its 400,000 employees from coast to coast.

Andrew is an Account Manager at Brookline Public Relations. A new Calgarian, Andrew is driven by his passion for seeing ideas through from ideation to execution and is never short on stories.