Brookline took the highway to the danger zone earlier this summer, supporting long time client Wings Over Springbank Airshow (WOSA). After a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic, WOSA returned to the Springbank Airport and featured Canada’s top aviation talent such as the Canadian Forces Snowbirds, the F18 demonstration team, the Skyhawks Parachute Team and more. The non-profit organization donates its profits back to local charities, with their focus being on the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society (ARCS) for the 2022 event.

Brookline managed WOSA’s Instagram and Facebook channels leading up to and during the event. This included the creation of bi-weekly content calendars, creating imagery, posting compelling content and engaging the airshow community. Brookline also worked with local influencers to generate event awareness through ticket giveaways and live event posting.
Brookline’s media relations support included press release development, media pitching and interview coordination. The team secured pre-event coverage with local print/online and broadcast outlets to promote the return of the event and generate excitement. To complement our traditional media efforts, Brookline also coordinated print, radio and TV advertising to further reach the public and generate ticket sales.
Always a highly anticipated event, Brookline planned and executed an exclusive media day where outlets such as Global, CBC, CTV and CHQR 770 attended. The excited journalists had the opportunity to go on fly-alongs in the planes and to interview the event organizer, Sarah van Gilst and several performers.
Brookline was on-site to manage media attendance and capture content for social media. Just as the event was wrapping up and attendees were walking out of the venue, Brookline’s team learned they would get to witness one of the most astonishing performances of them all…
Our Managing Director, Lisa Libin, was offered the chance of a lifetime to jump out of a plane with the renowned Skyhawks Parachute Team. With Lisa’s family supporting her from the ground, she was ready to hit (or in this case, fall from) the sky. While we can’t say for sure what was said in the air, one could speculate that she may have said something along the lines of “goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!”

Brookline’s efforts garnered significant media attention that produced more than 270 media hits. The agency’s social media management resulted in 666 new WOSA Instagram followers and an increase in reach by 19,600 per cent, as well as 847 new Facebook likes and an increase in reach by 8,000 per cent. Brookline successfully executed media ad buy with digital advertisements achieving a reach of 15,878 impressions.

Megan Hessel is a Public Relations Assistant at Brookline Public Relations. Approaching every day with her analytical mind, Megan takes every opportunity to support the team with any new challenge, project, or event.