Keep Things Pinteresting

Posted on September 10, 2015

Erica Morgan, Account Specialist


Pinterest. A good old fashion bulletin board reimagined and brought to life in the digital world. The only difference is now we can communicate the ideas we see fit to ‘put a pin in’ with the people around us, and the entirety of the World Wide Web while we’re at it. Pinterest is a pin board, but it is also so much more. It has taken the age-old idea of holding onto ideas in physical form and has transformed it into an online masterpiece that allows us to grab hold of virtual ideas, collect them, share them, borrow them from our friends and even create them. And best of all, it subscribes to the modern adage that visual is where it’s at.


Gone are the days of text heavy essays explaining DIY projects and recipes – who wants to weed through a mess of written instructions when the finished projects and the steps to get there are so neatly spelled out in the beautiful imagery that graces the pin boards of the internet? And why bother trying to explain an event or what’s trending in spring décor when you can create an entire vision without having to type a single word?


We at Brookline strive to embrace the visual world that is quickly overtaking not only the internet, but the real world as well. No one has time to read anymore, and what one sentence can convey is quickly overshadowed by the meaning that can be inferred from the thousands of words given to us by a carefully selected series of images.


Pinterest is just one of the tools we love to use that combines the simplicity of the visual world with the complexity of thought that emerges when a specific series of images is strung together in a particular fashion. A grouping of images, or pin board, can be used to share key information with our clients, partners, followers and fans in an easy to understand and user-friendly manner. Everything from events to client work, from PR tips to what’s in this season, can be shared through a medium that internet users find extremely appealing.


Experienced in the strategic uses of Pinterest and having fallen victim to the vortex of pinning more than once, the Brookline team is well-versed in the value Pinterest can have for businesses, as well as individuals, and we know how to approach and wield it in ways that best suit the social strategy of our agency.


So follow along as our pinning adventures continue, and you might just find a thing or two worth repining yourself.





Erica BW Vertical

– Erica Morgan is an Account Specialist at Brookline Public Relations. She brings experience in the areas of internal communications, branding and business ethics. Erica’s main areas of practice focus on event management, social media strategy and media relations.